Most business owners don’t expect entrepreneurship, a process typically imagined with collaboration, networking, and fulfillment, to be so damn lonely.

But that’s the reality for so many.

The freedom that comes from having to make every decision for your business can make anyone question their next step and wonder where they should be turning.

Running a successful small business requires you to be the boss, but it doesn’t need to be isolating or confusing. Use these tips to combat entrepreneurial loneliness, move forward, and get your mojo back!

Start now. Don’t wait until conditions are perfect to get started, because they will never be perfect. Sometimes you have to walk out the door overwhelmed or feeling unfinished. Don’t wait until you’re ready to start. When you live life to the fullest, you’re taking risks and trying your best, even when it’s tough. It’s hard to feel lonely if you’re taking action and moving forward.

Be seen. You cannot build your business without being seen by as many people as you can, so give people plenty of content to savor! Try to make at least 5 pieces of content a day to be seen. These can be as simple as holding a Facebook live, writing a short blog post, or posting on Instagram!

Trust yourself. You don’t have to do it completely alone. In fact, it’s impossible to do it alone! You can (and should) ask for help from a coach or mentor. Going to someone who knows more about business than you can get you out of your head and help you move forward. But always remember, that person can’t totally save you. Even if you have a mentor, you’ll have to cross the finish line by yourself. 

No one is going to show up at your front door with the answers, but despite how lonely entrepreneurship can be, you can still keep chipping away at your goals, even if you don’t know the exact next step.