One of my old mentors had a motto:

You must get comfortable with being uncomfortable.

And I definitely would have run from some of those awkward and uncomfortable early speaking gigs with only 6 people in the room.

Being comfortable with uncomfortable situations doesn’t mean you always go out on a limb with no safety net or make decisions recklessly. It simply means you ride the big waves, go fearlessly into the ocean, and you wear a life vest.

You might be ready to dive into “living uncomfortably” if you have the following life vests.

1.) Get a list-building strategy. Next to selling, building a consistent list is a must-have. Whether through speaking gigs or social media, you should always be collecting new leads, then following up for a sales conversation. You need leads to sell!

2.) Know how to sell. Selling doesn’t have to be a dirty word. Before you create programs, write material, and take 5 years of training, you should know how to sell. You can’t operate a business if you can’t sell. Business is about currency. You must ask for clients to get clients.

3.) Get the support you need. You can be your own life vest… to an extent. But support will help you reach success faster. This comes in two ways: the support of a team and having a great mentor. Use both to lift yourself even higher!

4.) Have money ready to invest. To launch, grow, or makeover a business you will need to invest in yourself. Watching thousands of aspiring entrepreneurs EVERY single one that succeeded had a mentor, attended events, and invested in themselves.

So go ahead, grab your life vest and get comfortable with being uncomfortable! If I had stopped when I was uncomfortable, I wouldn’t have been able to build my business to seven figures!