Believe it or not, I’m not the expert at everything. 😉
I had to put together a booth for sponsorship recently. I had absolutely no clue what I was doing with the PVC pipes, the fabric going over them, and if I hadn’t had a few members of my team there to help me, my booth would have looked like a hot mess.
So maybe entry-level craftsmanship isn’t my greatest strength. That’s fine.
Luckily, I have plenty of other strengths that I can rely on. For one, I like to help people make money. I’m very good at it. For another, after 10 years (and seven figures), I feel like I know how to run a successful business. There are other things my company, Driven Inc, does, but I don’t necessarily know how to do them.  
For example, did you know that Driven Inc has an entire video division, where we make digital videos for clients to use in their marketing efforts? I don’t know the first thing about video, lighting, and sound- that’s why I have someone else do it for me. 
Then I have more time to focus on the things I do well.
Here are a few other ways that you can cater to your strengths!
1. Identify what you’re good at! I’ve noticed that entrepreneurs get trapped in doing tasks that they absolutely hate, day in and day out. Don’t do this. Take out a sheet of paper and write down the things you enjoy doing. Chances are, they’re the things you’re good at. Why should a natural short stop be playing first base? Focus on things you actually like, and you’ll see that you’re already the expert!
2. Don’t be afraid to ask for help! If you’re running your business and things are going great, but you absolutely despise certain tasks like writing copy or designing your website (and they’re not getting you results) it might be time to ask for help. Ask yourself, “Could someone else be doing this task more effectively?” Hire someone to do the tasks you already don’t like doing so you can be even better at the jobs you’re good at.  
3. Redesign your role! Now comes the fun part. Once you’ve pinpointed your strengths, put your plan into action and create a better fit! This might mean more time in the room with clients, instead of working on your website, or being stuck in your office alone. No matter what this looks like for you, I think you’ll be a little happier with your new arrangement!
Stop wasting time on your weaknesses. I know it’s tempting, but you can’t do everything at once- and your business will suffer if you try! They’re not helping your business grow and can oftentimes be a waste of your time. Focus on your strengths and you (and your clients) will be sure to notice. For more great tips, follow me on Instagram!