Simple Numbers.
Straight Talk.
Big Profits.

Most businesses struggle getting to the next level of reach and revenue. At Driven Inc. we use simple numbers and straight talk to help you start, scale, and skyrocket your business.

So what’s the problem with the strategy you’re using today? Honestly, what isn’t wrong with it?

It’s hard to believe, but most businesses don’t have a plan for growth. Ask them about their strategy and you’ll discover it boils down to this: random acts of marketing.
At Driven Inc. we don’t believe in random acts of marketing. In fact, we think it’s stupid. Throwing more money at a problem doesn’t fix it!

We get it. There are solutions clawing tooth and nail for your attention (and your wallet).

Solutions are everywhere, in every color, shape and size.

But have you noticed that none of these “solutions” actually help you pick (or customize) the right solution for YOU?

That’s the ginormous gap that Driven Inc. fills … that actual “implement the right solution and partner with you over time” gap. If you’re looking to skyrocket your reach and revenue, let’s talk today.

10 Signs You are Bad at business.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras sodales suscipit augue eget posuere. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Proin et odio feugiat, varius nunc nec, elementum risus.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras sodales suscipit augue eget posuere. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Proin et odio feugiat, varius nunc nec, elementum risus.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras sodales suscipit augue eget posuere. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Proin et odio feugiat, varius nunc nec, elementum risus.

So what’s the problem with the strategy you’re using today? Honestly, what isn’t wrong with it?

So what’s the problem with the strategy you’re using today? Honestly, what isn’t wrong with it?

It’s hard to believe, but most businesses don’t have a plan for growth. Ask them about their strategy and you’ll discover it boils down to this: random acts of marketing.
At Driven Inc. we don’t believe in random acts of marketing. In fact, we think it’s stupid. Throwing more money at a problem doesn’t fix it!

We get it. There are solutions clawing tooth and nail for your attention (and your wallet).

Solutions are everywhere, in every color, shape and size.

But have you noticed that none of these “solutions” actually help you pick (or customize) the right solution for YOU?

driven inc

601 W Main Street, Unit A
Carrboro, NC 27510


Connect With US

Driven Consulting, Inc., Coaching, Carrboro, NC