How much do you cost?

How much do you cost?

This is one of the most common questions I get when I’m coaching new entrepreneurs.”How did you charge for your services when you got started?”When they’re starting out, a lot of entrepreneurs just guess how much to charge.This method usually doesn’t...
“Who Killed Malcolm X?” and What You Do With The Truth

“Who Killed Malcolm X?” and What You Do With The Truth

How well do we understand the truth? In the new documentary, “Who Killed Malcolm X?”, Abdur-Rahman Muhammad and others explore how well we really understand how the civil rights leader was killed. We’re never told the truth, we’re told what someone wants us to know....
Spilling The Beans About Shi**y People

Spilling The Beans About Shi**y People

Politics can bring out the worst in people. But how can we focus on the positive aspects to and learn something from a marketing standpoint? In this week’s episode of Serious Business, Suzanne dives...
Get it done with these tips!

Get it done with these tips!

Is there a nagging voice inside your head that tells you you aren’t checking enough items off your to-do list? Maybe you feel like you’re just not being productive enough.Don’t let self-doubt win! As a business owner, you already know that hard work...
I Heart Business

I Heart Business

Happy Valentine’s Week from Serious Business! This week’s episode is all about love and the things we love about running a small business and being an entrepreneur. It’s not always chocolate and roses, but when it works, it feels like falling in love. So go ahead-...